Family Circus Day Event and Underwriting Sponsorship Opportunity

Family Circus Day Event and Underwriting Sponsorship Opportunity


Gold Event Sponsorship


$ 30,000


Recognition as a key contributing supporter in media coverage, press release, Logo on all promotional materials, electronic communications, social media & website

Exclusive naming rights for the event during welcome remark and through out the event by the MC of the event

Listing as primary donor with Logo strategically placed on the event stage & listed as a primary donor in the wall of the LADD facility 1yr

Complementary Corporate tailored made event of 2 Professional performers valid until 12/31/2025

Silver Event Sponsorship

$ 20,000

Recognition as a key contributing supporter in media coverage, press release, Logo on all promotional materials, electronic communications

On stage recognition during key notes speakers by MC of the event

Listing as silver donor with logo strategically placed on LADD's Website & social media

Complementary one month after school for one child ( 3 times/weekly) ( age 6-14) valid until 12/31/25

Entertainment Event Sponsorship

$ 12,000

Recognition as contributing supporter in all marketing materials, social media & website

On stage recognition during key notes speakers by MC of the event

Complementary three week summer camp at LADD for two kids valid until 12/31/25

T-Shirts Event Sponsorship

$ 8,000

Recognition as contributing supporter in all marketing materials, social media & website

On stage recognition during key notes speakers by MC of the event

Complementary two week summer camp at LADD for one child valid until 12/31/25

Face Painting/Balloon Twisting Workshop Sponsorship

$ 3,000

Recognition as contributing supporter in all marketing materials, social media & website

On stage recognition during key notes speakers by MC of the event

Complementary one week summer camp at LADD for one child valid until 12/31/25

Juggling & Hula Hoop Workshop Sponsorship

$ 2,000

Recognition as contributing supporter in all marketing materials, social media & website

On stage recognition during key notes speakers by MC of the event

Complementary one month after school for one child ( twice a week) ( age 6-14) valid until 12/31/25

Event Flyers Sponsorship

$ 1,500

Recognition as contributing supporter in all marketing materials, social media & website

On stage recognition during key notes speakers by MC of the event

Complementary one month after school for one child ( twice a week) ( age 6-14) valid until 12/31/25

Programs Sponsorship Opportunity

Programs Sponsorship Opportunity


Sponsor a special needs child (Autism Program) for one year


$ 10, 000


Recognition as contributing supporter in all marketing materials, electronic communication, website, branded gifts to attendees & listed as donor of special needs programs at LADD facility

Sponsor a child after school program for one year ( 3 times/week)

$ 5, 000

Recognition as contributing supporter in all marketing materials, electronic communication, website, branded gifts to attendees & listed as donor of after school programs on the wall of LADD facility

Sponsor a pre-professional child intensive program for the summer

$ 2, 500

Recognition as contributing supporter all marketing materials, electronic communications, website & listed as donor and supporter of future professionals during our competing &performing sessions

Sponsor a child after school program (once a week)

$ 1, 500

Recognition as contributing supporter all marketing materials, electronic communications, website & listed as a donor of after school on website and social media campaign

Sponsor a Child weekly Summer Camp

$ 450

Recognition as contributing supporter on electronic communications, website & listed as donor and supporter of future professionals during our competing sessions